30. října 2016 13:55
Megan Jayne Crabbe se rozhodla podpořit dívky, které bojují stejně jako kdysi ona s anorexií! Snaží se jim svými fotkami „před a po“ ukázat, že štěstí nespočívá v tom, že jste vyhublí na kost...


Angličanka Megan(22) se rozhodla ukázat na svém Instagramu, jak zabojovala s anorexií. Doktoři jí řekli, že buď přibere, nebo umře.

Naštěstí se s pomocí rodiny a přátel dala Meg včas dohromady a dnes se stala bojovnicí proti předsudkům a „dokonalosti, která neexistuje“.

Pomáhá a radí lidem, kteří řeší stejné problémy, jako kdysi ona a snaží se být jejich vzorem a inspirací. Radí všem, zapomenout na čísla na váze a soustředit se místo toho na to, aby byli v životě šťastní s někým, kdo je bude milovat takové, jací jsou a dělali to, co je doopravdy baví!

The picture on the left is me two years ago, right before I found body positivity. I'd spent the whole summer hungry, counting every bite, working out for 3 hours every day, cancelling plans, and spending every waking moment thinking about food, weight, and how to make myself smaller and smaller. And it worked. I finally hit my goal weight, the one I always thought would make me happy. I was 130lbs, I had visible abs and a 26 inch waist. To a lot of people I had the perfect body. And I was miserable. I still saw so much stomach I had to lose. So much jiggle I had to tone. So many more calories I had to cut out and dress sizes I had to drop. When I found body positivity I realised that it would never be enough. There would always be another part to hate, no matter how many more years I wasted chasing perfection. The truth is that no goal weight will make you happy. No dress size will take away your self hatred. No calorie count will make you feel good enough. And NONE of it is worth losing yourself, your sanity, your happiness for. You are so much more than anything that can be counted, weighed, or measured. Now I know that the problem was never my body, it was how I'd been taught to see it. You know what I see when I look at the right picture? I see happiness, I see softness, I see me. And I'm not going to spend any more of my life fighting the way I'm supposed to be. Bring on the jiggle. 

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Megan Jayne Crabbe  (@bodyposipanda),

Today I have been with this human for five whole years. We stumbled into each other's lives all that time ago and we've been stuck together ever since. We've explored, we've laughed, we've cried, we've grown. He has been the person who keeps me young, who keeps me on the ground, who keeps fighting for me when I feel too weak. For three of those years he held me night after night while I cried uncontrollably because I hated my body so much. Now we've had two years of no body related tears at all. Two years of me believing that I might be worthy of this wonderful man who has loved me through it all. Thank you Ben, for being someone who makes me feel worthy, and for being your loving, uplifting, kind hearted self. Thank you for five beautiful years. 

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Megan Jayne Crabbe  (@bodyposipanda),

Last week I asked you all to tell me how body positivity has changed your life, and your answers filled my heart up. I wanted to tell you what body positivity has done for me, and I'll try my best to find the words. For a long time I truly believed I was the only recovered anorexic turned chubby girl in the world. The one who nearly died for thin and now couldn't even stick to a diet. It seemed as if all life would ever be was cycles of starvation and disgust with myself when I couldn't keep it up. For a long time I truly believed I wasn't worth saving, I wasn't worth a thing. Body positivity is the only thing that ever allowed me to let that girl go. That sad, hollow girl who still followed me around, reminding me of everything I wasn't. She was never who I was supposed to be. I know now that it wasn't her fault, I know now that through her hunger I slowly became who I am today. I know now that I was always worth saving. I know now that we all are. And I promise, I will fight for this until my last breath. I will fight for her, for me, for us. Thank you for fighting with me. 

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Megan Jayne Crabbe  (@bodyposipanda),

Party Ride Live finals v SaSaZu

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